Benchmarks for Science
Literacy - What students should know about science, math, and technology by the time they
graduate from high school. This guide to instruction and the writing of a curriculum has been
developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Science Printables - worksheets and other printables for many science topics - all free.
Why are Things Colored? - This site could be used for anatomy, art, physics, or several other disciplines. There are lesson plans. This a Smithsonian Web Exhibit.
Who Did It? - Using forensics to hone science and laboratory skills. This is a unit for middle or high school science students. It is an introduction to laboratory investigation which would be appropriate for general science, biology, or bio-technology. It is from Teacher's First.
Multiverse - Astronomy and earth science lesson plans are in the Resources menu. This site is provided by the University of California Space Science Laboratory at Berkeley
Earth and Sky - Activities to accompany the daily radio program, and
also links to lesson plan and science sites.
Space.Com - This site provides current news of the space program, and also
information on space, astronomy and Project SETI. It is a commercial site and sells books, astonomy programs and other materials.
The Science of Speed - A fun way to learn the physics of NASCAR racing. These videos will appeal to the car-loving students. This is by the National Science Foundation.
Teach Engineering K - 12 - This site has curriculum and lesson plans for many areas of science. It has a great many lessons for physical sciences and technology.
Explain That Stuff - How do cell phones, typewriters, the internet, and many other forms of modern technology work.
How Volcanoes Work - This is a
good site if you need to brush up on your knowledge of volcanoes. There are links to volcano lesson
plans on the Volcano Links page.