Climate Zone - If you need to find information about the climate in a country, this is a good place
to go. The climate is described in terms that you can understand. There is also temperature, rainfall and snow fall information for cities in each country.
Geography Glossary - Definitions of geography words such as atoll and estuary.
Lizard Point Geography Games - These quizzes will really test your knowledge. A great way to prepare for a geography test.
South Korea - Information about South Korea from the National Geographic.
Vietnam - Information about Vietnam from the National Geographic.
Asia Kids - Learn about the language and stories of Asian Countries.
Canadian Heritage - This site has lots of information about life in
Canada - sports, recreation, travel, history, environment, and more
The Atlas of Canada - Maps (of course) but lots of other useful
stuff. Look in the Learning Resourses section for an introduction to cartography (map making), a gazetteer (a dictionary
of place names, and a glossary.
The Atlas of Canada - Maps (of course) but lots of other useful
stuff. Look in the Learning Resourses section for an introduction to cartography (map making), a gazetteer (a dictionary
of place names, and a glossary.